Sunday, November 3, 2013

           The Navy Yard shootings in September and unauthorized disclosures by former National Security Agency contractor Edward Snowden have highlighted the need for changes to the current security clearance process, Stephen Lewis, deputy director for personnel, industrial and physical security policy in the office of undersecretary of defense for intelligence, told a Senate committee today.This includes DOD civilians, service members and embedded contractor personnel, he said.
“Under the National Industrial Security Program, cleared contractors are required to report adverse information coming to their attention regarding their cleared employees,” Lewis said.DOD component heads are responsible for establishing procedures to report significant derogatory information, unfavorable administrative actions and adverse actions related to personnel, Lewis said.
“In addition, the Defense Security Service is responsible for conducting oversight of companies cleared to perform on classified contracts for DOD and 26 other federal departments and agencies that use DOD industrial security services.” For several years, the department has partnered with the Office of the Director of National Intelligence in reform efforts intended to improve the clearance process. As a result, Lewis said, in 2011 the Government Accountability Office removed DOD’s personnel security clearance program from its high-risk list (DOD website).

U.S. Department of Defense


            I am very liberal when it comes to social issues. I think abortion is great. The more people that we prevent from coming into this world the better. It's too bad we don't euthanize more people. However,  I have no issue with a capping the duration of a pregnancy in which an abortion can be performed. Many children are born at 7 months. The live happy, healthy lives. Not many children are born at 4 or 5 months. I can't believe there are liberals that are unhappy about having the choice to have an abortion... but just having to make the decision before the fetus is fully formed and can be considered an individual.This is their body, woman should just be able to pick up the phone, call their local abortion clinic and schedule a procedure. It should be that easy because it's their legal right. No one has the right to stop them from they want to do with their bodies. Birth control does fail and humans also fail. Everyone makes mistakes, therefore, no one should be forced to gestate and birth a pregnancy they never wanted.
