Thursday, May 29, 2014

Is Edward Snowden Regretting his Actions?

Edward Snowden after one year of revealing one of the biggest secrets of the United States surveillance programs and procedures, he is already regretting his actions. The desire that he has to come back home is very visible. He said, ''If I could go anywhere in the world that place would be home.” But we all know that it is impossible for him to come back to the United States without facing legal consequences after his actions. I believe that he was obviously acting with the interests of the American citizens, selfish people wouldn't put themselves through such tomoil, they would just stay silent and do nothing against the kinds of issues that Snowden addressed. However, he also did the citizens of all countries a favor in showing them the far reaching consequences of spying programs such as the CIA surveillance program. I agree that he betrayed his nation, but I also believe that if the US Government obeyed the law none of this would happen.


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