AP Government 2014
Thursday, May 29, 2014
Is Edward Snowden Regretting his Actions?
Edward Snowden after one year of revealing one of the biggest secrets of the United States surveillance programs and procedures, he is already regretting his actions. The desire that he has to come back home is very visible. He said, ''If I could go anywhere in the world that place would be home.” But we all know that it is impossible for him to come back to the United States without facing legal consequences after his actions. I believe that he was obviously acting with the interests of the American citizens, selfish people wouldn't put themselves through such tomoil, they would just stay silent and do nothing against the kinds of issues that Snowden addressed. However, he also did the citizens of all countries a favor in showing them the far reaching consequences of spying programs such as the CIA surveillance program. I agree that he betrayed his nation, but I also believe that if the US Government obeyed the law none of this would happen.
Sunday, May 18, 2014
India's government
Socialism failed in India because in socialism you need to
take care of the less privileged and lend them a helping hand. For most
Indians, their family and caste come first. On the other hand,
capitalism will eventually end up becoming cronyism in India because in
capitalism the wealth that you make and the power that you acquire comes
with responsibility. The average Indian only feels responsible towards
feeding his genetic offspring and his caste. Capitalism will end up
becoming cronyism and nepotism in India. The interests of only certain
families will get served and the rest of the population will end up in
misery.In India the ruling party elects the speaker (talk about ruthless
freedom) so imagine the parliament with 90 % cronies and speaker to lead
them the only person in India that is neutral is president and he is
not allowed so how will the world now whats going on or which policy is
replaced with nationalist agenda. the only way we will find out
some thing is seriously wrong is when non-Hindu women and children
starts crying for food and when their father figure is in the graves.
Saturday, May 10, 2014
Russia accused of hypocrisy by UK over Ukrainian unrest
Indisputably Russia is a corrupt nation in many ways, but the USA has become the most dangerous nation on earth because as it currently exists its survival depends primarily on its control of other nations. The USA has fallen into the last mistake of all empires: It let its home roots grow weak and now the mighty branches will begin to wither. The USA has less and less productive power and cultural unity to fall back on. The "barbarians" will slowly but surely pull it apart until it is suddenly no longer recognizable. It will be nothing but power elites in walled fortresses amid a sea of disordered heterogeneous humanity. According to a different report in this same newspaper, the Trade Union building had been occupied by Russia-friendly demonstrators, and then it was attacked and burned down with people in it by a Right Sector militia. So that's where the escalation of violence (as opposed to demonstrations and occupations) has come from. "Hypocrisy" I used to say and am saying it again, that for the last 15 years, the West actually had been supporting the totalitarian a Soviet-like regime established by the KGB in that country - Russia. The regime badsed mainly on oil-gas dollars and supported Russian oligarhs’s interests everywhere in USA and EU. After the Russian annexation of Abkhazia took place in 2008, it had not been taken any sanctions against Russia. It's very strange when everyone may consider the fact that the annexation of Crimea was carried out in the same way as did the annexation of Abkhazia. Georgian President said that if the U.S. and Europe had stopped Putin in 2008, now it would not be the capture of the Crimea. But no one did anything that time. So reap the rewards now.
Saturday, May 3, 2014
Air Pollution
Source of the Article
The new data reveal a stronger link between both indoor and outdoor air pollution exposure and cardiovascular diseases, such as strokes and heart disease, as well as between air pollution and cancer. This is in addition to air pollution’s role in the development of respiratory diseases, including acute respiratory infections and chronic obstructive pulmonary diseases. The new estimates are not only based on more knowledge about the diseases caused by air pollution, but also upon better assessment of human exposure to air pollutants through the use of improved measurements and technology. This has enabled scientists to make a more detailed analysis of health risks from a wider demographic spread that now includes rural as well as urban areas. The article says, ''Western Pacific Regions had the largest air pollution-related burden in 2012, with a total of 3.3 million deaths linked to indoor air pollution and 2.6 million deaths related to outdoor air pollution.'' This clearly shows that the air quality in parts of the hemisphere is deteriorating, and as we all know, this will only lead us to a catastrophe.
The new data reveal a stronger link between both indoor and outdoor air pollution exposure and cardiovascular diseases, such as strokes and heart disease, as well as between air pollution and cancer. This is in addition to air pollution’s role in the development of respiratory diseases, including acute respiratory infections and chronic obstructive pulmonary diseases. The new estimates are not only based on more knowledge about the diseases caused by air pollution, but also upon better assessment of human exposure to air pollutants through the use of improved measurements and technology. This has enabled scientists to make a more detailed analysis of health risks from a wider demographic spread that now includes rural as well as urban areas. The article says, ''Western Pacific Regions had the largest air pollution-related burden in 2012, with a total of 3.3 million deaths linked to indoor air pollution and 2.6 million deaths related to outdoor air pollution.'' This clearly shows that the air quality in parts of the hemisphere is deteriorating, and as we all know, this will only lead us to a catastrophe.
Friday, April 18, 2014
CIA Torture
Understand this: the US government is not only in the business of torturing foreign terrorists. It is also quietly sabotaging and destroying americans. The scope of the abuses this Regime is committing is much, much worse than has been revealed up to this point. I am in a position to know that thousands of innocent Americans (activists, whistleblowers, truth-tellers) are being destroyed at this very moment. The tactics of Zertsetzen (ways of torturing people) are being used by the American Secret Police. True patriots are being intimidated, discredited, sabotaged, harassed, blacklisted, slandered, blackmailed, framed, and TORTURED. Americans are terrorizing other Americans. What is moral vs what is unmoral. Relying on a men to decide what is legal. This is the clear line between what is Legal and what is Lawful. Anything can be made legal by man and circumstance. What doesn't change is what is lawful by God and conscience of mind. This word mind means the element, part, substance, or process that reasons, thinks, feels, wills, perceives and judges.
Ukraine: separatists refuse to end occupation despite Geneva agreement
The agreement does not cover Eastern Ukraine. They Democratically elected their man, who fled to save his skin. Those in power were placed there by those who argued strongly for NATO membership and NATO bases. As such, the unelected stooges in Kiev are more Nazi inclined that Eastern Ukraine inclined, as we have seen from their leaflets, asking the local Jews to register, a Hitler first. They may have plenty of friends they never knew they had in Germany, but none in the East of the country. First, the Kiev "govt" wasn't recognised by Moscow- they expressly said that they don't recognise them as legitimate government but are prepared to talk to them to stabilise the region. Secondly, in the Geneva agreement, all sides agreed to refrain from "violence, intimidation or provocative actions". Ukraine agreed on "joint efforts to start the process of de-escalation in eastern Ukraine.” It is most patent that sending military in is contrary to both of those agreed points.
Tuesday, April 1, 2014
Obama and his Cold War Games
Source of the article
About the game: painting Russia as friendless, and outside the tent, is unwise. Because its biased towards the US and European sense of exceptionalism. Because there are many powers outside that tent.The US - EU tent is not as big as they think, and they need to think a little more about internationa justice for all. And to put it bluntly, the double standards on show from the EU-US tent telling the rest of the world what is right is likely to push a few outsiders into putting up a great big tent of their own with the Russians. So Russia is misbehaving. But the other powers are also misbehaving in their response, and only inviting further misbehaviour from the Russians. The key point is that the whole debate is only confirming Russia's existing grienvances, which are not without justification (even though that doesn't make them right). I think Obama instead of ushering in a new dawn has ushered in a yawn, who really give a flying fuck what he says anymore, many many people the world over listened to him and shared his "vision" of a new way, only to see the same oil, same oil, I bet many Americans are thinking that their vote is being abused time and time again and something has to give somewhere along the line, the way the US administration carries on makes most here in the west including the US want to vomit.
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