Tuesday, April 1, 2014

Obama and his Cold War Games

 Source of the article

About the game: painting Russia as friendless, and outside the tent, is unwise. Because its biased towards the US and European sense of exceptionalism. Because there are many powers outside that tent.The US - EU tent is not as big as they think, and they need to think a little more about internationa justice for all. And to put it bluntly, the double standards on show from the EU-US tent telling the rest of the world what is right is likely to push a few outsiders into putting up a great big tent of their own with the Russians. So Russia is misbehaving. But the other powers are also misbehaving in their response, and only inviting further misbehaviour from the Russians. The key point is that the whole debate is only confirming Russia's existing grienvances, which are not without justification (even though that doesn't make them right). I think Obama instead of ushering in a new dawn has ushered in a yawn, who really give a flying fuck what he says anymore, many many people the world over listened to him and shared his "vision" of a new way, only to see the same oil, same oil, I bet many Americans are thinking that their vote is being abused time and time again and something has to give somewhere along the line, the way the US administration carries on makes most here in the west including the US want to vomit.

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