Thursday, January 30, 2014


Frankly, I don't get all this "undocumented immigration reform" stuff!! If an immigrant came to to U.S. undocumented, then, this immigrant came to the U.S. illegally, broke the law, therefore, should face the consequences of breaking the law. That's what laws are for!! The government spends so much money and resources to try to stop the illegal immigrants and, now before mid-term elections, pushing for legalizing illegals!! What a joke!! I think that the real reason there are so many illegals is: U.S. needs them to perform jobs that legals don't want, basically, importing slave labor!! If it wasn't for the illegals, cost of goods would skyrocket (minimum wage, unions, etc). It's basic economics!! The U.S. has the technical expertise to totally close the border, if it wishes to. I guess you don't know that there's a specific reason why being undocumented in the US isn't actually crime. The government has the right to send undocumented aliens back to their place of origin, and nobody has a problem with that.
However, if they make it a crime, then under the Constitution, the accused have the right to a trial, an attorney, right of appeal, and all other rights that pertain to the accused in a criminal trial. Oh, and they can't be deported while this is going on. Starting to see the problem? Imagine if, instead of being deported, you had several million aliens awaiting trial. Sure would keep the lawyers and courts busy, and probably wouldn't cost more than a few hundred billion dollars.

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