Thursday, January 30, 2014

Ukraine, the next Egypt

Americans want another NATO base in the Ukraine and just to make protests even worse the puppies of EU - Lithuanian and Polish prime ministers went to Kiev and Publicly told the protesters to go on and fight for "freedom" and told them not to worry, because they will support them- they can not even support themselves and their own people nevermind the Ukrainians. Ukraine's dilemma is that the eastern half is a benighted priest ridden backwater of groveling orthodoxy and worship of Moscow the people are mostly brutish, bovine, resentfull, and superstitious locked way in an isolated corner of the world where the Enlightenment never saw the dawn. Western Ukraine is european looking & progressive yearning to be part of the civilized world. It is high time for the Ukrainian army to move in defense of the people against the Yanukovych Russian dictatorship. Just as the army in Egypt removed Morsi and outlawed the Muslim Brotherhood so should the army arrest Yanukovych and his gang for treason and conspiracy outlawing the Communist party responsible for the genocide of 1932-33. Is a Nazi party allowed in the Israeli Knesset? No!

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