Friday, April 18, 2014

CIA Torture

Understand this: the US government is not only in the business of torturing foreign terrorists. It is also quietly sabotaging and destroying americans. The scope of the abuses this Regime is committing is much, much worse than has been revealed up to this point. I am in a position to know that thousands of innocent Americans (activists, whistleblowers, truth-tellers) are being destroyed at this very moment. The tactics of Zertsetzen (ways of torturing people) are being used by the American Secret Police. True patriots are being intimidated, discredited, sabotaged, harassed, blacklisted, slandered, blackmailed, framed, and TORTURED. Americans are terrorizing other Americans. What is moral vs what is unmoral. Relying on a men to decide what is legal. This is the clear line between what is Legal and what is Lawful. Anything can be made legal by man and circumstance. What doesn't change is what is lawful by God and conscience of mind. This word mind means the element, part, substance, or process that reasons, thinks, feels, wills, perceives and judges.


Ukraine: separatists refuse to end occupation despite Geneva agreement

The agreement does not cover Eastern Ukraine. They Democratically elected their man, who fled to save his skin. Those in power were placed there by those who argued strongly for NATO membership and NATO bases. As such, the unelected stooges in Kiev are more Nazi inclined that Eastern Ukraine inclined, as we have seen from their leaflets, asking the local Jews to register, a Hitler first. They may have plenty of friends they never knew they had in Germany, but none in the East of the country. First, the Kiev "govt" wasn't recognised by Moscow- they expressly said that they don't recognise them as legitimate government but are prepared to talk to them to stabilise the region. Secondly, in the Geneva agreement, all sides agreed to refrain from "violence, intimidation or provocative actions". Ukraine agreed on "joint efforts to start the process of de-escalation in eastern Ukraine.” It is most patent that sending military in is contrary to both of those agreed points.


Tuesday, April 1, 2014

Obama and his Cold War Games

 Source of the article

About the game: painting Russia as friendless, and outside the tent, is unwise. Because its biased towards the US and European sense of exceptionalism. Because there are many powers outside that tent.The US - EU tent is not as big as they think, and they need to think a little more about internationa justice for all. And to put it bluntly, the double standards on show from the EU-US tent telling the rest of the world what is right is likely to push a few outsiders into putting up a great big tent of their own with the Russians. So Russia is misbehaving. But the other powers are also misbehaving in their response, and only inviting further misbehaviour from the Russians. The key point is that the whole debate is only confirming Russia's existing grienvances, which are not without justification (even though that doesn't make them right). I think Obama instead of ushering in a new dawn has ushered in a yawn, who really give a flying fuck what he says anymore, many many people the world over listened to him and shared his "vision" of a new way, only to see the same oil, same oil, I bet many Americans are thinking that their vote is being abused time and time again and something has to give somewhere along the line, the way the US administration carries on makes most here in the west including the US want to vomit.

Obama's Warning to Putin

Source of the article
The benevolent Obama only wants Ukraine people to make independent decision about their lives. Well, seems Crimean decision was a wrong one, not independent at all. Whereas Iraqis have made perfectly independent decision about their lives... or should I more precisely say their painful deaths?? It seems as though the worms should be coming out of Obama's mouth every time he delivers, namely reads out of lcd carefully prepared speeches.Obama must realise the Americans HAVE been encircling Russia since the Cold War ended. They have entirely broken all agreements with Gorbachev promising not to make those states members of NATO. The anti Iran missile shield is absolutely targeted at neutralising Russia's nuclear arsenal (good luck with that one). The Neocons might need to remind Obama exactly who he has been serving for his entire presidency. As I understand, Russia was conducting military exercises near the borders, and is nonetheless keeping the number of troops within the agreed limits during peace time. Still, I think that when these numbers "dramatically drop" and Russia "withdraws its troops" it will be another victory for Obama, who warned them in the first place!

Turkey Blocks Twitter

 Source of the article

The Turkish government has blocked video-sharing site YouTube, following a video post which appeared to show security officials discussing military action in Syria.Turkish Prime Minister Tayyip Erdogan described the recording, which was posted anonymously to YouTube, as "villainous" on Thursday, according to Reuters.The country's telecommunications authority took steps to block access to YouTube ahead of key local elections on Sunday. The ban came just a week after the government banned social networking site Twitter.This may the worst week for the Turkish people that one by one all there social networks is getting out of reach. Many of the users still using VPN service for unblock all social networks and other geo-restricted sites. Because all that brutal actions continuously rising the demand of vpn in the region to unblock YouTube and twitter quickly. Only required to choose from the list of Top 5 Turkey VPN and fight Turkey's Social Media Blackout

Cuba and the new investment policies

Source of the article This new law will allow investments but the Statement "Cubans who live in Cuba are prohibited from entering certain hotels and restaurants where foreign tourists are permitted to stay" has not been true for a few years. It's hard to trust an expert who doesn't know current facts. I'm curious if there will be anything in the law regarding rights over bank accounts. The Cubans have frozen bank accounts in the past when money was tight and permission is still required to make foreign payments. It's hard to run a business when you can't pay your suppliers. ''Since 2010, the Cuban government has made incremental economic reforms. For example, in certain categories of employment, individuals are now allowed to work for themselves and not the government. The pace of reforms increased in the past year, when the government announced employees could take over failing government operations in certain categories such as transportation, and try to make a profit, which they then would split with the government 50-50.''

Racism is Lost in Australia

Source of the article
Today, racism is usually quite casual; sometimes, it is even unconscious. I was pretty horrified, for example, when I read a study that showed people with certain ethnic-sounding names were less likely to be offered job interviews than people with Anglo names, even if their CVs were otherwise the same.
We should remember that cognitive biases and prejudices can affect people's actions without them realising it. For me, that is the best justification for initiatives like diversity training in workplaces, which often get a bad rap. Clearly, some hiring managers and HR flunkies need to be reminded that attitudes about different races, even if held unconsciously, can lead to discrimination. Of course, there is also the ugly, off-hand racism that some minority groups cop, particularly aboriginal people. Sadly, it still seems acceptable in some quarters to tell childish jokes about indigenous people and negatively stereotype them. This article goes too far, though. The example of airport security is especially silly. Racist just means you disagreed with the PC orthodoxy. It has no other meaning but Ed is right and he is wrong. The word is losing its power but not because it is so powerful but because it has been over-used and people are taking it over, mocking it, claiming to be it whether they are or not and basically thumbing their nose in the same way the wogs did when they disarmed the term wog.

Is Putin the new Devil?

Article Source
 The article points out the hypocrisy of our leaders. The right or wrong of it is not an issue in the article. None of our leaders would come out smelling of roses if we examined their actions with the spite that is shown to Putin. Not a fan f any of them but in this case he has been the more reasonable of them. No invasion - a seceded state which had been part of Russia in the not too distant past and which showed after the anti Russian coup that they wanted to be absorbed once more - although remaining independent in the majority of ways. Two thirds of the Ukrainian military opted to join the Crimean army (changing sides. the remaining third without harassment left the Crimea peacefully. No shock and awe. We appear to be wanting a war. Nato needs a theatre of war for its troops. Russia is being surrounded by missile sites so who could expect Russia to stand back and see the Crimea and the warm water port fall.Putin didn't suddenly become evil, he's always had his own agenda and that has been quite apparent for some considerable time - What he has done, has always been what has appeared to be realpolitik whilst enriching himself to the tune of $40 billion (probably more, quite a lot for a chap who has always been a public servant) If anyone thought Putin could be easily influenced they were wrong, they can buy favours obviously.

Venezuela Rationing Food

 Venezuela ID Card Source
Defenders of Venezuela's socialist government say price controls imposed by the late President Hugo Chávez help poor people lead more dignified lives, and the United Nations has recognised Venezuela's success in eradicating hunger but price controls also lead to people buying everything up and exporting it to countries without price controls, thus causing shortages. Rationing doesn't look good, but it is intended to help maintain the price controls that help the poor. It could be useful in a society that is being exploited by the worst parts of capitalism. ID card system to stop speculation from the distributors and the middle men that always, in one way or another, is robbing the consumers, it is a good idea in a country that have a lot of problems with the corruption of a few entrepreneurs. It is more shameful that in develop countries as the UK and USA; they have to use food banks and food stamps to sop starvation among the poor people.

Stronger Russian Power

Source!! Let the Cold War begin! It seems the concept of "Peace" is truly foreign to NATO. It only understands the language of aggression, imperialism and death. I disagree. Since the fall of the USSR, Russia's foreign policy has been nothing by reactionary to the continuous NATO expansion and encirclement of its borders. Gorbachev was given a promise that NATO would not expand any further. This promise has broken time and time again. Put yourself in Putin's position and imagine how you would react where you in his place. Our media is engaged in a full-blown media war against Russia, with a 100% one-sided coverage. Many people in the West truly believe that Russia is a dictatorship and that Putin is some kind of tyrant. From someone who has lived and worked in Russia for many years, it's alway quite comical to hear the reactions of Westerners who came back having visited the country. They come back truly angry by the fact that they have been so misled by the media and, ironically, become some of the most vocal supporters of the Russian State and Putin.Having said that, I don't think it is a compliment to Putin or to the "greatness of Russia", but a sad reflection of how our media has become nothing more than a cheap propaganda tool to advance NATO's geopolitical ambitions.

Warantless Searches

As has been posted many times on these pages, it tends to confirm that quite apart from the competitive advantage US corporations are gaining from spying on competitors, the real target of the NSA, are individual Americans. Although we rarely hear about it on these shores (for obvious reasons) there is a real growing intolerance of American corporatism, financial theft, police militarism etc. Add to these revelations the, apparently liberal, ideology of clearing out the jails and perhaps you will be drawn to the notion that maybe the jails are being emptied for those identified by the NSA as US dissidents
If these are warrantless searches, then there is no paper trail and documentation is solely in the hands of our trustworthy NSA. To conduct these backdoor surveillances, the NSA recruits from hacker conventions to hire those talented enough to find ways into your computer without leaving a trace. This whole thing has been a good illustration of why we should make sure there is effective oversight of intelligence agencies. If intelligence agencies deny doing things that the wider world knows they are doing and then only admits it when they are repeatedly asked "how come there's proof you did it then?" then surely this would suggest there needs to be oversight to make sure they follow the current laws.
If they are breaking laws designed to protect the privacy of civilians then we are veering away from living in democractic societies because our authorities are effectively making their own laws which we have no say in.