Tuesday, April 1, 2014

Is Putin the new Devil?

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 The article points out the hypocrisy of our leaders. The right or wrong of it is not an issue in the article. None of our leaders would come out smelling of roses if we examined their actions with the spite that is shown to Putin. Not a fan f any of them but in this case he has been the more reasonable of them. No invasion - a seceded state which had been part of Russia in the not too distant past and which showed after the anti Russian coup that they wanted to be absorbed once more - although remaining independent in the majority of ways. Two thirds of the Ukrainian military opted to join the Crimean army (changing sides. the remaining third without harassment left the Crimea peacefully. No shock and awe. We appear to be wanting a war. Nato needs a theatre of war for its troops. Russia is being surrounded by missile sites so who could expect Russia to stand back and see the Crimea and the warm water port fall.Putin didn't suddenly become evil, he's always had his own agenda and that has been quite apparent for some considerable time - What he has done, has always been what has appeared to be realpolitik whilst enriching himself to the tune of $40 billion (probably more, quite a lot for a chap who has always been a public servant) If anyone thought Putin could be easily influenced they were wrong, they can buy favours obviously.

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