Tuesday, April 1, 2014

Stronger Russian Power

Source!! Let the Cold War begin! It seems the concept of "Peace" is truly foreign to NATO. It only understands the language of aggression, imperialism and death. I disagree. Since the fall of the USSR, Russia's foreign policy has been nothing by reactionary to the continuous NATO expansion and encirclement of its borders. Gorbachev was given a promise that NATO would not expand any further. This promise has broken time and time again. Put yourself in Putin's position and imagine how you would react where you in his place. Our media is engaged in a full-blown media war against Russia, with a 100% one-sided coverage. Many people in the West truly believe that Russia is a dictatorship and that Putin is some kind of tyrant. From someone who has lived and worked in Russia for many years, it's alway quite comical to hear the reactions of Westerners who came back having visited the country. They come back truly angry by the fact that they have been so misled by the media and, ironically, become some of the most vocal supporters of the Russian State and Putin.Having said that, I don't think it is a compliment to Putin or to the "greatness of Russia", but a sad reflection of how our media has become nothing more than a cheap propaganda tool to advance NATO's geopolitical ambitions.

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